måndag 22 april 2013

Healthy snack at work!

Hey chocolate-lovers!
I´ve noticed that we have some readers from outside Sweden aswell, that´s awsome!
We now have followers from both South- and North America, the Netherlands, from France, Russia, Germany and a few from Great Britain.
Please feel free to make a comment if you want us to translate our blogg/chocolate tips.
Well, this is for you guys :-)

Todays snack-tip from Erica is:
  • 1 kiwi 
  • 1 banana
  • 1 apple (red this time but if you prefer green it´s delish aswell!)
  • A half cup of raspberry yoghurt

But wait a second! This is suposed to be a super-healthy snack!
Let´s see...
Much better!
What do you think? Is it worth a try?
If you want this as a dessert you can choose some organic, vanilla ice cream instead of yoghurt, that will give a sweeter taste to it :-)
Have a healthy chocolate day everybody!

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